The story of "Fish Creek: A Western Adventure" came to be put down on paper at the urging of friends and relatives who constantly told me I had a way with telling stories and the stories I ...
The story of "Fish Creek: A Western Adventure" came to be put down on paper at the urging of friends and relatives who constantly told me I had a way with telling stories and the stories I told were interesting and that they liked to hear me tell them. With their encouragement I put pen to paper and have told of my adventures as a boy growing up and then as a young man and his desire to see America and the world. The accounts in this narrative are true and to the best of my ability accurate; after forty-two years the names of some of the people have faded, but they were real people and the impact they made on my life was real. In fact, I don't think that it makes much difference what a person's name is, but it is the relationship you develop with the person and what you learn from them and share with them that is important. This is a story of many of those relationships, as well as my thoughts of man and his relationship with his environment.
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