Five Boys Tackle a Summer Five pre-teenage neighborhood boys fresh out of school with a brand-new summer of fun and adventure ahead What could be better? Po and the Gang is a fictional account of ...
Five Boys Tackle a Summer Five pre-teenage neighborhood boys fresh out of school with a brand-new summer of fun and adventure ahead What could be better? Po and the Gang is a fictional account of memories of the carefree days just after World War II. It was a perfect time to be a boy. A profile of the gang reveals five completely different personalities bound together by a single ambition, that of exploration and adventure without the constraints of school days.The first adventure, called aHome By Dark, a reports the surprising results of the daring exploration of a creek which ran through the town. The second adventure, aThe Snipe Hunt, a relates the age-old trap played on a visiting cousin during the Christmas holidays. Both adventures bear socially redeeming qualities.
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