Cindy had a reputation to overcome. At times it seemed impossible. There was always someone to remind her of her mistakes. Disapproving looks were part of everyday life. Gossipers quieted as she wa...
Cindy had a reputation to overcome. At times it seemed impossible. There was always someone to remind her of her mistakes. Disapproving looks were part of everyday life. Gossipers quieted as she walked into the room. The best way to respond was with indifference, "I don't care what people think " That may have fooled a few. But late at night there was only God and she could not fool Him. She felt too guilty to pray. Cindy believed she had been divorced too many times to go to heaven. What drove her to go on, and what was the end to the character she had created just to survive? Journey with Cindy through the struggles and victories that produce a strong woman molded by life to become better in spite of abuse, divorce, suicide, death, and starting over to be the true "overcomer" she was always meant to be.
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