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白菜 2013-11-15 02:37:40


践迹 2013-11-14 23:13:42

多谢指教哈~你说的很对哈,我可能没有表达清楚哈。确实是有refinement,我说的下面这种情况:比如说在double aution中,它可能会简化说只看某种情形比如linear的情况。你提到evolutionary game确实比二十年前在入门教材中介绍的“基本内容”要靠谱,不过了解不多,你们学校这块应该很强吧,多多指教哈。

白菜 2013-11-14 22:16:02

1 when there are multiple eq, you can turn to refinement or study the issue of coordination, not simply "pick sth interesting" . Anyway, textbook is some standard and basic reference. You can also refer to some early papers concerning the philosophy behind equilibrium concept. In fact, under some conditions, evolutionary game converges to Nash eq.
You can relax the common knowledge assumption when you think it relevant

In my opinion, each method has its pros and cons. There are always trade-offs between, say, generality v.s, traceability. The crux is, to examine an object, each perspective gives a limited and biased image, and I am even unsure if the "object" does objectively exist, especially for social science


书名: 博弈论基础
作者: [美] 罗伯特·吉本斯
出版社: 北京-中国社会科学出版社
副标题: A Primer in Game Theory
译者: 高峰
出版年: 1999
页数: 200页
定价: 25.00元
丛书: 当代经济学教科书译丛
ISBN: 9787500424543