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mothx262f 2012-01-14 02:11:36


今天_晴 2012-01-13 03:08:25

en? 可能我总结的不好,作者完全没有说要outside in的方式啊?


mothx262f 2012-01-10 17:26:01


mothx262f 2012-01-10 17:14:19

There are quite a few books and I'm not sure which one fits the bill better.
However I am hacking on this book that's somewhat related "The Hero and the Outlaw: Building Extraordinary Brands Through the Power of Archetypes"

今天_晴 2011-12-21 15:19:43


it is great to talk to the pros!! 自己瞎看的确容易走进死胡同还不知道。

继续请教一下,我简要理解上面这段成“品牌来自公司内涵” inside out instead of outside in. 请问这条说法是怎么得来的,supporting evidence 包括哪些呢?

or if you could point me to some books on this, that would be great.

thanks again!

mothx262f 2011-12-21 14:24:27

so the main idea I got from my class is that brand identity, metaphor and archetypes all stem from the product/firm's mission and strategy, not the other way around. By default a firm has to be different from others to stay competitive. The value to customers and desired customer mix determines how the brand is communicated. To be the opposite of competitors or not is only one possible choice of many.

mothx262f 2011-12-15 06:47:02



书名: 哈佛最受欢迎的营销课
作者: 扬米·穆恩
出版社: 中信出版社
原作名: Different: Escaping the Competitive Herd
译者: 王旭
出版年: 2012-9
页数: 240
定价: 42.00元
装帧: 平装
ISBN: 9787508634791