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孙嘻嘻 2013-11-21 09:40:51


Godsoul 2013-11-21 09:37:59


孙嘻嘻 2012-08-16 10:21:36


Alan Duan 2012-08-15 22:15:03



孙嘻嘻 2012-04-13 23:01:40


Hector 2012-04-10 08:40:33

I think... I can't... 一大堆,看来只会用这样简单的句式吧,看着也很无聊。
作者的回复很谦虚,很有大师风范。相比之下,你就像一个好像抓到点儿啥漏洞的小屁孩儿,一个劲儿的像大人表现:"哈哈,我找到你的错啦,我找到你的错啦!" 其实你不知道,你根本不在作者的水平线上,也没有理解作者的实际用意。
的确,人无完人,就像 Curse of Knowledge (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Curse_of_knowledge) 里面提到的,传达知识的确很难,只有像作者这样潜心在Linux领域这么久的大师,能够明白自己还有不足,并且虚心接受意见,在我看来已经远远超越了你(不,和你比岂不是太不合适,罪过罪过)
技术界有个不成文的文化,就是关于如何问问题,就是给你这样的人说的,自己的技术功底和语言功底都不扎实,却来尝试做翻译,你这是给中国技术圈又添了一份拙劣的译本,何必呢? 要翻译自己在自己的博客什么地方做吧,至少那是你私人的地方,也不用在光天化日之下丢人现眼,因为看上去,你远远没有那份谦逊的心,那么你又何必在公共场合挑战自己的极限呢?

城北大洋桃有毛 2011-12-30 11:03:19


东来 2011-12-30 09:15:28

“我是没本事写这样书,但比不代表我没有权利评论它。” 赞同+1


孙嘻嘻 2011-10-16 19:40:41


城北大洋桃有毛 2011-08-29 18:22:58


不至于吧,我觉得原作者写的很好呐~ 不用这么贬低原作者吧。你要是觉得你能写得更好,为啥不也出一本英文的给他们瞧瞧~~?

孙嘻嘻 2011-05-31 17:10:51


fossilet 2011-05-31 15:42:19



fossilet 2011-05-31 15:07:12


iLRainyday 2011-05-27 22:20:47


孙嘻嘻 2011-05-27 21:37:14

I'v just finished the translation of chapter 2 of LPI.
I understand your motivation: to provide some background knowledge to
those Linux or Unix newbies.
But i don't think u have achieved that goal:
the fundamental concepts are very hard to understand.and I think it's
absolutely difficult to describe those concepts simply in words.
My suggestion is that you should include more examples and
demos,pictures,which chapter 2 is very lack of.
and your explaination or discussion often introduce new knowledges.
for example: function call linkage information,i don't know what it
means. BTW,The same problem exists in page 76,chapter 4, where you
describe O_DSYNC like this:
"Perform file writes according to the requirements of synchronized I/O
data integrity completion. See the discussion of kernel I/O buffering in
Section 13.3."
I can't understand what "synchronized I/O data integrity completion"
means, even after having read the 3.374 base definition of SUSv3. Only
when I read the corresponding section (Section 3.3) in "Advanced Unix
Programming Enviroment v2" by Stevens & Rago, I have got the idea.I
think u can learn the way they describe a concept. It's very easy to

And back to chapter 2,the introduction of pseduterminals is very hard
to understand. Without a specified scienario, and simply using
abstract technology terms,I can't imagine where we can make use of
this techonology . Still, within one paragraph(2nd paragraph,section
2.15), you use a lot of "driver"s among which their meaning may be
differnt(e.g."Output written by the driver program undergoes the usual
input processing performed by the terminal driver"),and this can
easily cause misleading,especially to newbies.

yours sincerely

Hello Sun Jian,

2011/5/21 sun jian <5515159@gmail.com>:

> Michael:
> I'v just finished the translation of chapter 2 of LPI.
> I understand your motivation: to provide some background knowledge to
> those Linux or Unix newbies.
> But i don't think u have achieved that goal:
> the fundamental concepts are very hard to understand.and I think it's
> absolutely difficult to describe those concepts simply in words.

I'm not really going to disagree with anything you say here. I'll just
note a few points:

* My primary audience here was not newbies as such, but rather people
who come to Linux / UNIX front another operating system.
* Indeed, it's very difficult to explain some of these concepts in a
few words. As you indicate, I could probably have done better in a few
* More pictures and more explanation is a good idea, but I also wanted
to keep this chapter short

> My suggestion is that you should include more examples and
> demos,pictures,which chapter 2 is very lack of.

I will note this for the next revision! Thank you.

> and your explaination or discussion often introduce new knowledges.
> for example: function call linkage information,i don't know what it
> means.

Good point. I could have added some words on that.

> BTW,The same problem exists in page 76,chapter 4, where you
> describe O_DSYNC like this:
> "Perform file writes according to the requirements of synchronized I/O
> data integrity completion. See the discussion of kernel I/O buffering in
> Section 13.3."
> I can't understand what "synchronized I/O data integrity completion"
> means, even after having read the 3.374 base definition of SUSv3. Only
> when I read the corresponding section (Section 3.3) in "Advanced Unix
> Programming Enviroment v2" by Stevens & Rago, I have got the idea.I
> think u can learn the way they describe a concept. It's very easy to
> understand.

Okay -- I noted your point here, to keep in mind for the second edition.

> And back to chapter 2,the introduction of pseduterminals is very hard
> to understand. Without a specified scienario, and simply using
> abstract technology terms,I can't imagine where we can make use of
> this techonology . Still, within one paragraph(2nd paragraph,section
> 2.15), you use a lot of "driver"s among which their meaning may be
> differnt(e.g."Output written by the driver program undergoes the usual
> input processing performed by the terminal driver"),and this can

I agree. The multiple meanings of the term "driver" is confusing. I
will make a note...

I wish you had been able to read chapters of the book before
publication. I am sure you would have helped make it better! In the
meantime, please keep the comments coming; I will make use of them for
the 2e.

Best regards,



《The Linux Programming Interface》热门书评

书名: The Linux Programming Interface
作者: Michael Kerrisk
出版社: No Starch Press
副标题: A Linux and UNIX Programming Handbook
出版年: April 2010
页数: 1600
定价: $99.95
装帧: Hardcover
ISBN: 9781593272203