Hank Busch is a private detective in Philadelphia who takes you along to experience the adventures of his life, while revealing some of the extreme measures taken to uphold his reputation as a top-...
Hank Busch is a private detective in Philadelphia who takes you along to experience the adventures of his life, while revealing some of the extreme measures taken to uphold his reputation as a top-notch P.I. Join Busch as he hunts for a wealthy teen who ran away from home to live within the shadow of the Liberty Bell. Follow him as he hunts a thief who destroys the plants and shrubs of a blue-haired dowager from the Delaware River. Busch allows you to accompany him on these serious and humorous experiences; they paint a portrait of a P.I. which is different from Hollywood and television portrayals. When an attorney says, aHank, I have a case for you.a He carefully answers, aWhat have you got?a
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