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书评 (查看全部)

  • 【水知道答案】爱与感激

    对《水知道答案》这本书的评价 2010-02-03

    【水知道答案】爱与感激《水知道答案》分为一、二两册,第一册已经勾勒出轮廓且有了一定内容,第二册顶多只是强调关键词稍稍补充多几张水结晶的照片而已,谈不上新意和升华,严重质疑其动机是否纯正。人说,这本书是... 查看全部>>


  • 商道
  • Letters to a Young Scientist
    An biologist who has written many textbooks and papers gives insightful advice in plain but elegant English, which reveals itself as a great work. Ed is born as a scientist, finding passion in ants in his adolescence and then following an academic path. Not all the researchers are as lucky as he is. Follow your heart and make sustained commitment.
  • Just for Fun
    Isolation, in some sense, means you've got some very strong opinions that will make more sense to the general public than what they may sound like now. Passages written by Linus in the end generate valuable insights into the open-source world. Evolution of Society: Survival -> Social Order -> Entertainment