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  • 学徒面包师
    A bible for bread makers. I love artisan breads and wish I can make my own baguette, ciabatta, etc. This beautiful book addresses the science of bread making and the chemical processes that occur during it in an in-depth fashion, which I benefit a lot. After trying all the receipts in this book, I guess you will almost become a professional baker.
  • 5分钟轻松在家做面包
    "Artisan bread in 5 minutes a day". A terrific book! You can really make the dough in just a few minutes and keep it in your fridge for use over the next 2 weeks. With those receipts, you don't have to buy an expensive bread maker to knead the dough. I haven't got a chance to try all of the bread, wish I could in the future!
  • 孟老师的100道面包
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