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  • Modern Romance
    Witty, funny, true and beyond superficial.
  • 冥想
    很实用,入门推荐。看完以后再去听Andy Puddicombe会更有效果。
  • Leaders Eat Last
    Yet another discipline of art where empathy matters. It's a shame these values have to be repeated ad nauseam, or in this case, elaborated in a book. While it's almost inevitable to escape banality, Sinek still somehow finds a way to keep readers inspired.
  • 过好日子的190个基本
  • Sprint
    Listened to the audio version, a good "cookbook" type of reference.
  • Algorithms to Live By
    关于算法的理性与感性,比如博弈论结尾这段儿:"The road to hell is paved with intractable recursions, bad equilibria, and information cascades, seek out games where honesty is the dominant strategy, then just be yourself."