Chapter10 The paradise of choice
Extracts: Too much choice is not just confusing but is downright oppressive.
Schwartz: As the number of choices keeps growing, negative aspects of having a multitude of options begin to appear. As the number of choices grows further, the negatives escalate until we become overloaded. At this point, choice no longer liberates, but debilitates. It might even be said to tyrannize.
As an antidote to this poison of our modern age, Schwartz recommended that consumers “satisfice”, in the jargon of social science, not “maximize”.
Comment: 选择越多,困惑也越多,甚至让人不堪重负。但选择的悖论并不表示我们应该拒绝选择的多样性,重要的是学会如何面对与之俱增的复杂性与不确定性,更好的认识自我,明白自己想要的究竟是什么。
Extracts: The benefits that stem from choice, however, come not from the options themselves, but rather from the process of choosing. By allowing choosers to perceive themselves as volitional agents having successfully constructed their preference and ultimate selection outcomes during the choosing task, the importance of choice is restated.
Comment: 很多时候,选择的过程远远重于结果。只要充分发挥自由意志、依据个人偏好而非外界舆论作出决定,过多的选择不仅不会误导我们的判断,反而能让我们在不断的比较与权衡中更加坚信自己选择的正确性。
Chapter11 Niche culture
Extracts: Since nothing on the Web is authoritative, it’s up to you to consult enough sources so that you can make up your own mind.
The question today is how best to use those tools overwhelmed by uncertainty.
Fundamentally, a society that asks questions and has the power to answer them is a healthier society than one that simply accepts what it's told from a narrow range of experts and institutions. If professional affiliation is no longer a proxy for authority, we need to think for ourselves.
Comment: 在博客与维基盛行的网络世界,没有真正的专家,也没有绝对权威的信息。这样的文化逼迫渴求真理的人参考足够多的资源、独立做出自己的决定,以探索精神和批判性思维理性应对纷繁世界的不确定性。
Chapter12 The infinite screen
Extracts: Davis Foster Wallace: TV is not vulgar and prurient and dumb because people who compose the audience are vulgar and dumb. Television is the way it is simply because people tend to be extremely similar in their vulgar and prurient and dumb interests and wildly different in their refined and aesthetic and noble interests.
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书名: 长尾理论
作者: [美] 克里斯·安德森
出版社: 中信出版社
译者: 乔江涛
出版年: 2006-12
页数: 235
定价: 35.00元
装帧: 平装
ISBN: 9787508607245