The world is being invaded by aliens, who wish to build colonies as a means of survival. Their planet has been destroyed by an asteroid. These aliens are detected by the falling of pink snow and oc...
The world is being invaded by aliens, who wish to build colonies as a means of survival. Their planet has been destroyed by an asteroid. These aliens are detected by the falling of pink snow and occasional sighting of themselves. The scientific community forms a team of specialized individuals to investigate. Cristene Longara who is a newspaper reporter, and her photographer Reggi Bergoin are sent with this group.Princeston Jovic, a special investigator from the government of the U.S., is sent to check out reports of alien activity in the mountains of Vietnam. In a tavern he meets a beautiful woman, and they fall in love. There is animosity between Princeston and the team leader, Monol. The team meets with the aliens and can't agree on anything. The aliens are destroyed and the team heads back to the U.S.A. Princeston plans to meet a female member of the team back home.