The Nature of the Operations of Modern Armies
Jacob W·Kipp
William A·Burhans
译者: W·A·Burhans
出版年: 1994-6
页数: 182
定价: $ 212.44
ISBN: 9780714645018
译者: W·A·Burhans
出版年: 1994-6
页数: 182
定价: $ 212.44
ISBN: 9780714645018
V.K. Triandafillov (1894-1931) was an outstanding young commander who shaped the military theory and doctrine of the Red Army as it came to grips with the problem of future war. A conscript soldier who rose through the ranks to become an officer in the Tsarist Army, he saw combat in both the First World War and the Russian Civil war. A student of some of the finest military specialists teaching the first generation of young Red commanders, he sought to link theory and practice in his 1929 book by using past experience to comprehend future combat.
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