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  • Why Men Love Bitches
    3/100 of 2016. 3.5. Don't ever let anyone shake your faith in yourself, because that's really all that you have.
  • Modern Romance
    28/100 of 2016. Audio-book. The stand-up comedian style is over-dramatic sometimes, but some chapters present a interesting summary of online dating in the States. I didn't realize that Match.com was founded in 1995, when I was a little pupil knowing little about computer, much less about internet, and much much less about online dating ... LoL
  • 喃喃
    Her words always bring inner peace.
  • 漫步东京
    relaxing and riveting at the same time...
  • 有时孤独比拥抱实在
    9/100 of 2016. 读的时候想到了弗洛姆的爱的艺术,想到了小王子里的玫瑰与狐狸,想到了Why men love bitches那本口水书. 爱的道理都是一样的.
  • 罗辑思维:中国为什么有前途
    12/100 of 2016.