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Let me start with a joke

对“Let me start with a joke”的回应

太阳的蓝 2011-09-15 16:52:21

Actually not a great fan of this book. I guess I would be much more inpsired if I were 5-10 years younger. The language is relative plain. Let's be honest here, we all know about the ideas she's preaching, what is truly difficult for me is to practice what we know.

咖啡 2011-09-15 13:38:31

I just started reading the book yesterday. I was shocked at their students' creative ideas of creating value. I've been asking myself: what would I do if I was assigned with such tasks? Sadly, I'm as creative. Too many assumptions.


书名: 真希望我20几岁就知道的事
作者: [美] 蒂娜·齐莉格
出版社: 陕西师范大学出版社
原作名: What I Wish I Knew When I Was 20
译者: 邢爽  |  裴卫芳
出版年: 2010-4
页数: 213
定价: 26.80元
装帧: 平装
ISBN: 9787561349847