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书评 (查看全部)

  • 挺悲剧的书

    对《鲜活的数据》这本书的评价 2014-10-13

    通篇只能说有苦劳——但这苦劳比起那么多博客来说,几乎不值得存在。简单的说,此书大概只能骗骗对datavisualization完全没有认识的人。但是对那样的人来说,如果你看此书用来入门,那真是入错门啦... 查看全部>>


  • 生猛的进化心理学
  • The Goal
    A great read
  • Data Science for Business
    去年粗略翻过一遍,无干货,也无甚湿货。没必要看的书。除非你想学一堆 biz 词汇去唬人。
  • The Innovator's Solution
    I thought it could be boring to read a book by HBS. I was wrong. It was kind of educational with a hint of academic integrity.
  • A Byte of Python
  • Think Python
    A nice quick read. The book covers some grounds that I have never covered through googling and learning, and its style makes it easy to read through. Recommended for beginners like me.