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  • The Millionaire Next Door
    A great intro book about what impact finances will have on your life. To consume without constant planning and monitoring will put yourself under endless pressure and anxiety, and the only way out is to plan, budget, save and invest. This is lifetime's work - but one should get on with it better sooner than later.
  • Anything You Want
    Derek is one of my favorite blog authors - this book is reasonably insightful but has the weakness of all collection-of-articles type of books - each article is an insightful one but from a book's perspective not well structured enough to demonstrate something deeper. Nevertheless a page-turning, short but decent read overall.
  • Rework
    37signals founder们的第二本书,这是一个伟大的小公司,知道自己想要什么,也知道怎样去达成自己的目标,在这个浮躁的时代实属难得。虽然现在还不打算自立门户,但书中的商业理念和如何提高生产力的做法都让我非常有收获。
  • Accelerated C++中文版