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  • He's Just Not That Into You
    Yes,the breakups are painful even from someone you only dated a few days. You may have been excited about him and had a lot of hopes for future. But how empowering to have the mental clarity to say,"He's just not that into me". And,screw all the liars and their fucking lies!
  • 美味关系
    笑死了. 我的目标就是, 到二十岁要完成Julie Powell的心愿, 每天都要享受火爆性爱.
  • Tim Walker
    觉得walker拍portrait还蛮有意思的, 拍大一点的图幅就太挤了. 扉页和底页都是lily don给vogue uk拍的那组飞行员, xiaowen感觉是他muse... 我一直以为整个set应该是art director在做. 那些工作札记很有趣.