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雁北小鹤 2016-04-19 22:53:28


[已注销] 2010-09-14 16:13:51

I was writing a server script while waiting for its output during a test-run, just happened to have come and checked this out. I went twice through the text to make sure I won't be too quick to have my conclusion. You have a grotesque name, and this comment of yours is nicely sophisticated.

I neither have read the commented book, nor did I have my own opinion about the education, if that is pertinent. I love the part where you used '空虚' as one of the certain measurements. The way I understand is there are more things considered truly meaningful in those countries, while we have little, though in occasions say in the textbook we have many valued.

I liked the Germany movies as well. One of those I remembered is Wave. Not being off the topic, in the movie, the mother said to the daughter who tried to stop the younger brother from smoking: 'Your brother will know the line himself'. It is more about being rational and reasonable in there, that you will say it makes sense.

Am I close to the fact that your caring(worry?) about this little niece is originally triggered by your(our) witnessing of this disappointing manufacturing process?


书名: 奥数是个替死鬼
作者: 咏鹏
出版社: 生活·读书·新知三联书店
副标题: 别让一代更比一代累
出版年: 2010-7
页数: 261
定价: 24.00
装帧: 平装
ISBN: 9787108034670