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跟Built to last一样的逻辑错误

对“跟Built to last一样的逻辑错误”的回应

[已注销] 2011-07-19 17:25:40



futher 2011-06-09 08:56:24

我觉得这本书总结得挺好。Disciplined People, Disciplined Mind, Disciplined Action + 何为Disciplined。没有完美的理论,可能会有逻辑错误;但是,难道如果有20%不能发生的可能,就能推翻80%可能发生的可能么?

很多问题看上去简单,做起来却很难以复制。Disciplined People. 人最大的敌人就是自己,战胜自己的ego只为公司着想,谈何容易;尤其是这些公司又不是自己的,自己不过是个打工的而已。有多少人借着大公司的名义,为自己建功立业。一代成功不算成功,代代成功才是。

今天_晴 2010-12-27 04:18:38

this is only a pretty stale topic for philosophy.
Many classic books have already address it.
A typical recent book that talks about this is by Taleb.
See Monte Carlo simulations for answers re the "50years"

Long 2010-12-17 17:15:19


Long 2010-12-17 17:11:37

作者刻意找存在超过50年的公司就是为了避免这个,一时幸运很可能是 halo effect 那半个世纪呢?(当然你可能会说百年老店如此少这也是概率的结果,可能是其它偶然性导致它们存活至今,但是我们没有时间等50年来验证,按概率甚至等50年也说明不了什么。这不是100%有效的灵药,但是它目前是我们能找到的最接近的答案,为什么不试试?)



今天_晴 2010-12-15 23:54:07

and btw by the "halo effect" I mean this book:

今天_晴 2010-12-15 23:52:58

I like that you are reducing the complex problem to statistics.

Here let's look at a hypothetical situation:

1. 10000 similar “Good” businesses (the population) come into the picture, each of them having two choices of strategy, fox vs. hedgehog. Let’s say, half of them entered into each arm (say, A and B in text below).

2. after n years, 4000 in A and 1500 in B went out of business, i.e., 1000 in A and 3500 in B are still in the picture

3. When the 1000 + 3500 =4500 businesses are pooled together and ranked, 50 of them are now ranked “best”, 50 ranked “second best”, using the author’s criteria.

4. Let’s say for argument’s sake, all 50 “best” businesses are from A, and 50 “second bests” are from B.

By doing the same type of analysis the authors did, based on evidence from point 4 above, can we say strategy A is better than strategy B?

Now, look at the silent evidence that is ignored by the authors’ type of analysis. The 4000 in A and 1500 in B that went out of business at point 2. Can we still say strategy A is better than strategy B?

Simply put, statistics tells us, to arrive at a valid conclusion, we need to look at data from all four quadrants.

Long 2010-12-15 13:47:14




今天_晴 2010-12-14 15:07:08

I am criticizing their logic, their evidence (biased sampling), and not their conclusion.

"the Halo effect" pretty sufficiently demonstrated why their logic fails.

As for their conclusions, I have no way of knowing whether they are valid or not, the least I know is their evidence fails to support their conclusion.

Long 2010-12-13 14:53:51


Long 2010-12-13 14:46:07

我想作者没说过做到这些就一定能基业长青吧,再者作者是跟行业里面的第二,第三名相比的,有一定实际意义可以指导实践。抑或你只是想找个完美的理论,给自己不愿学习这些不完美的理论找借口?作者们也只是在这个领域里面研究总结,至少目前还不存在完美的理论。因为他们的理论不完美 -> 所以他们是忽悠,这样好像也不是什么正确的逻辑


书名: 从优秀到卓越
作者: [美] 吉姆·柯林斯
出版社: 中信出版社
原作名: Good to Great: Why Some Companies Make the Leap... and Others Don't
译者: 俞利军
出版年: 2006-7
页数: 292
定价: 39.00元
装帧: 平装
ISBN: 9787800735547