The author wrote the story from a prosecutor's perspective, narrative, accurate, informative and objective. A good book to know how the system was run corruptly in the buyout fury and junk bond ruling age, but not so beneficial to people who want to understand the business.
Junk bond is a great invention by a smart trader with both raw trading skill and slick business sense beyond peers trader who focused on just the number and screens.
A certain part in Lewis' <Liar's Poker> provides insight on how one of the most successful innovations in financial history is created in by a single individual - Milken's contrary wisdom. Check it out.
A true but not so pleasant aspect of the 80s
35有用 4无用 LaoBai 2006-09-14
以前说过,我正在学习金融。然而,和以往的惯例不同,我没有选择金融学的教材,而是选择关于金融的相关读物。换句话说,我当然想掌握金融学的核心理论和基本方法,但作为玩票的我,更看重阅读的娱乐性。所谓寓教于乐是也。 所以,当我看完《伟大的博弈》后,下一本关于金融学的兴趣读物选择了《贼巢》。《贼巢》据说是普利...
4有用 1无用 viwl4887 2008-02-07
3有用 0无用 洪大威 2016-05-18
垃圾债券虽然早在上世纪20、30年代就已经出现,但是发行量极小,不能构成一类资产。上世纪70年代末,美国开始大规模的产业并购重组。80年代,通过私募收购公司形成了热潮,被称作“企业劫掠”(corporate raid)。但是,股市和商业银行贷款远远不能满足这种突如其来而又高风险的融资需要,于是垃圾债...
A true but not so pleasant aspect of the 80s
3有用 0无用 加减法 2008-02-27
The author wrote the story from a prosecutor's perspective, narrative, accurate, informative and objective. A good book to know how the system was run...
3有用 1无用 红发安 2013-02-03
大头帮我买的这本书.封面完全订反了.想要对的书的时候,当当网却说,基本上没货了. 没辙,抱着厌恶的感觉的看了第一章,结果,被内容深深的吸引了.看完以后,有几点感悟: 1.金融行业能够创造价值,但是这个价值与实际的收入实在很难说匹配2.人的贪...