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比 C++ 更好玩的玩具

对“比 C++ 更好玩的玩具”的回应

云风 2016-06-14 13:04:45

哈哈,所以说有自动管理内存能力的系统开发语言,还是要看 Rust 了 :D

阿四 2016-06-12 11:43:40

LOL: "Overall it could be said that D has the downsides of GC but doesn't enjoy its benefits." (reference: https://www.quora.com/Which-language-has-the-brightest-future-in-replacement-of-C-between-D-Go-and-Rust-And-Why , Andrei's reply)

轻舞凋零 2014-06-18 23:30:22

his experience is so fun ,it makes me want to learn programming d too

江欲行 2014-04-15 13:29:47

It makes me want to learn programming D.

书名: D程序设计语言
作者: [美] Andrei Alexandrescu
出版社: 人民邮电出版社
原作名: The D Programming Language
译者: 张雪平 谭丽娜  |  张雪平  |  谭丽娜
出版年: 2013-6
页数: 330
定价: 69.00元
装帧: 平装
丛书: 新锐编程语言集萃
ISBN: 9787115314192