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狼族新语 2013-06-20 10:57:27


屁颠屁颠 2013-05-24 15:44:00


宁馨儿 2013-05-24 11:09:02


吟诗啃骨头 2013-05-21 17:38:05


代替你 2013-05-21 12:45:36




吟诗啃骨头 2013-05-21 10:55:44


代替你 2013-05-21 10:26:38



吟诗啃骨头 2013-05-10 23:25:45


屁颠屁颠 2013-05-10 22:41:50

额 该发三个帖的 结果三段话变成了一段话。。。

屁颠屁颠 2013-05-10 22:40:56

在这场战斗中 否定会招致失败
所以 在这场小我灭亡的战争中 没有胜利者
这是你的舞台 这是你的世界
这里没有别人只有你 任何事都阻止不了你
不需要任何人的引导 推动 保护
对于成功 你不需要任何人
这极其简单 你在沉睡可你会醒来
如果了解这点 你会发现这个好消息
千里之行 始于足下
一旦明白这点 你会不断前进不回头

一厢情愿的想法 基于恐惧下的童话幻想
不要扮演英雄 你无法蒙混过关
自我觉醒 真理的觉醒 并非是一种意识形态
你试图把整件事降低到你可以掌握的层面 但这是不可能的
真理不是一个想法 一个概念
它不在图书馆的文献中 也不在圣人的言辞中
它不是一种要被理解的概念 或被体验的感觉
它不在你的内心里或是头脑里 而是更加深刻的东西
我们说到谎言 重要的谎言
我们究竟是谁 我们是干什么的
我们义正言辞地指责 我们投身异教
因为那就是异教 如梦似幻地追寻真理
真理并不是成为真实的 而是不成为虚幻的 于是所剩下的就是真理
那你需要学习的东西可就多了 成千上万箩筐那么多
但是如果你刚想探究真理 那就是一个完全不同的过程
你最绝望的那一刻 也是你最真实地揭露幻象的时刻
这时你抛开了保护性的镜片 而那时你拉开了窗帘看到了事情的真相
所有的信仰 所有的概念 所有的想法
是的 它们都只是想法 都是废话
确实如此 不只是那些宗教和灵性教导
还包括所有的哲学 所有的想法 所有的观点
如果你要追求真理 不要带着它们
这听起来像是真理 因为它就是真理
在这个基本问题未有解答前 我们又能做什么呢
说没有任何一个信仰是真理 是“生命没有意义”这句简洁 完美陈述的另一种说法
所以你要去处理面对它 因为责备无异于诅咒
这样你就有了自由 唯一的自由
它不好 它不是灰色 但它是一个事实 你的事实
如果你想成为真实的 那就是你要面对的
听着 百万分之一的百分一虚假 也是彻底的虚假
任何二元世界你的东西都是虚幻的 虚幻是不真实的 不真实的就是废话
没有例外 绝对明确 没有任何模棱两可的
真理是合一的 非二元对立的 是无限的
真理是没有幻象的 没有自我 是整体
没有什么是要去谈论的 没有什么害怕的 没有什么要理解的
你要么是真理 要么是说谎者 被小我所制约
称为一个做为者 沉睡的人 毫无价值的赝品
真理是极其简单的 而幻象却是极端复杂
要么真相 要么失败
追求真理 不惜任何而代价 不计后果 不惜代价



You are dreaming that there is a 'you' that could change. The true 'you' is changless and the fake you, personality, can't change anything of it's own volition because a dream has no personal will. The only thing I might suggest (and I hate suggesting things, I think?) is take that part of little you that you want to change and find out if it's real. Go to it's core. How real is your neurosis? Go to it's core. When you get there, turn around and ask who is this that is going to the core? Stick with one subject, just one. I think you flit around a bit and that is a great avoidance strategy. Who exactly would accept your personality. You are in foam alright, but there is nothing but more foam there. Who is the 'You' that contains the foam. Who or what is aware of the foam, and then, the biggie... who or what knows you are aware... of anything.


Birth, and death take place in a dream. You can believe in them all you want, whatever it means to believe in them. What you believe in means nothing to Truth, it couldn't care less. They just might block the view a bit, but then only the dream is trying to view it anyways. It's all just wonderful experience, but where will it be in a few billion years. Where was it a few billion years ago. Do you think that 'You' are born or die?


Heaven and Hell, and absolutely everything in between never has been and never will be. There are no God(s), Angels, Devil, spirits, or the like. Karma doesn't exist in any meaningful way. All your good deeds and all your evil deeds go completely unnoticed. No one keeps track in the non-existent Akashic records. 99.9% of what you have been taught/told is either a distortion or a lie. Who would know truth and share it with you? Your parents? They were far more lost than you, and yet you believed them and may still believe them. How can someone who loves you tell you outright lies like 'Santa comes down the chimney'. He also has a list of 'good and bad' boys and girls. Everything else you were told was equally as rediculous, although usually a little more subtle. What you seek is simply that which is aware that it's aware. This aware un-thinking life that you are is the answer because it is the only 'thing' that can contain EVERYTHING else. What you know and who you think you are is of no meaning or consequence. Absolutely none. Get over it. You are no more important that a rock in your back yard. God no more smiled down and brought you into this world than this is Elvis speaking through me. Assaulting and insulting? Good, but who cares? Nobody! None of your life matters. Period. You will only get Truth to the degree that you drop ALL your beliefs in the little me and realize that You are the awareness that you exist. Create all the illusion you want, but it will only appear within Truth which is always greater because it is the only 'thing' that is actually in(not)finite. Drop all your spiritual pursuits because they all appear in pure awareness... in Truth. What is more??? Nothing. What tells you that you are alive? That's it, that is everything, literally. Right there in that second you had it, and then dropped it. So, try it again. What informs you that you are alive? Don't try to figure it out because that will also appear in 'It' and thus be lesser than 'It'. It's much too simple for the intellect. It cuts it out of the picture. Just softly be with what informs you that you exist. Does what informs you struggle for anything at all? Does little 'you' struggle? Contemplate if you will and ask 'What does my contemplation occur in?'


Meaning is completey fabricated by mind. I has no 'meaning'

outside of mind. We place a high level of importance on what

something means and most times it has something to do with

making me right and them wrong, It's just a pattern. Look around you and attach meaning to every thing you see. Make up more and more meaning. Spend some time at this. Get outrageous, down to the litter box you should have cleaned

yesterday. What the hell does that mean.... make it up. Go for it. Really, really do it, then tell us the most meaningful thing in your environment. How many layers of meaning can you place on something. Then move on and make up meaning for other peoples actions. They must have meant something by that 'look'. What was it? The meaning of them not calling is a biggie. A conspiracy of Mel Gibson proportions. Darn, was that door open or closed when I can in? I can't even remember. That must mean I'm losing my mind. How will I know what anything means without it? Where does that leave 'me'? WTF do all these questions mean? What does Jed mean when he says 'Love ya'. Is that his way of insulting me, or does he mean it? I mean, how does he mean it, like Mom loves me, or like Jesus (is suppose to) love me? Keeping all this meaning full of meaning is a menial task blown way out of proportion and it's using way to much of my ram. What's next? Love ya, Jed.




接着继续向前,同时为别人整理一些“意义”出来。他们肯定有些时候表面上看起来就像他们意味着什么一样。其实到底是什么呢?他们的意义让他们看起像件很重要的事情。就像梅尔·吉布森的阴谋那样。讨厌啊,那扇门到底在我进去的时候,是开的还是关的? 我记都记不起来了。肯定意味着我又失去理智了。我怎么知道任何东西,假如不存在了,又意味着什么呢? 在什么地方才能抛下自我啊。


I only hinted at this in my previous writings. It's probably because I sensed how difficult it would be to communicate in any meaningful way. It's a step, if you will, towards abiding non-dual awareness, not to be confused with consciousness.

Consciousness requires that one be conscious of something. Awareness just is, it's a fact, beingness in Truth, and therefore needs no source or receiver.

Try to grasp the universe (of course is doesn't exist and cannot be grasped) and along with it the infinitude of it's size. Then imagine a infinitude of universes. Mix this with a sense of time that has existed forever and will continue to exist forever (another infinitude). Contemplate this 'package' and ask yourself, 'Has anything ever really happened?'. You must come up with your own answer, not mine. Maya hides the simplicity of Truth behind a door of confusion and the mind just loves all that confusion. So, my suggestions for you to comtemplate are as follows:

1.) Has anything ever happened?

2.) If so, what?

3.) How do you know that happened?

Your answers matter, not mine. Oops, I spilled some popcorn in the lobby.

Love Jed.










Enlightenment isn't 'for' anything. It's only a mind that could make up a 'for' something, a purpose where no purpose exists. Why does a child play? It's only for his or her entertainment, that's it. Learning is simply a by-product, certainly of some value, but only a by-product. Set out determined to teach a child something and watch the resistance you get. Set out to play with them and watch them learn, they can't help it. Reflect on your experience in school. Just 'play' God for a while and learn God. (God=truth=enlightenment=whatever) We want to see purpose in everything. What if you entertained the possibility of no-purpose, none whatsoever in anything. Try it on for size. It may appear mean, petty, hopeless, but that is Maya's work, not Yours. That's mind judging it prior to experiencing it. Try life as the 'token' on a board game. The token isn't being entertained, just moved around, the Player is being entertained. Does it do any good for the token to resist movement to the next 'square'? Does it really matter what color or value the next square is? What wonderful freedom to be the token and trust the Player. The Player understands a hell of a lot more than the token. Does the thought scare you, repulse you, depress you? It's suppose to. That's why so few people get it. That's the secret. Be the token, if only for a brief time and tell us all what you experience. Jed isn't going to enlighten you, the Player just might, or maybe there is no such thing as enlightenment, just the playing. Why do kids (and many 'adults') love computer games? They know they are God, and here's an opportunity to practice a little, just entertainment. Are you resisting moving to the next square? You have as much say as a leaf in a hurricane. Watch how your minds reacts to these words, watch very closely. "Jed is full of crap' 'He's gone off his rocker' 'Perhaps it's the floride in this water'. 'Has he taken to drink?' 'It's the mercury from eating to much sushi.' That's the Princess speaking and what you are experiencing in this moment is it's attempt to save itself, to be in control and not be what it is, a token. Love Jed.

P.S. On a lighter note, You created absolutely everything, Everything and every thing, every being, every molecule, every cup, plate, saucer, every grain of rice, every war, every death, every birth, every world, every universe, every monster, every saint, every black hole, every asshole, every lover, every... well, you get the picture, you created it. Might as well enjoy it. It isn't going away because it was never here. More love, Jed.




你觉得你的想法让你害怕,让你厌恶或者绝望吗。假想它或许是吧。这也是为什么这么少人能够超越自己的想法。有个秘密。在短暂的生命时光中就当这个棋子好了,然后告诉我们你经历到了什么。JED不是想让你开悟,下棋的人或许会,而且很可能这世上就没有开悟这回事儿,只存在游戏的过程罢了。为什么很多小孩(包括大人)都喜欢电脑游戏呢?他们知道这些电脑游戏是上帝(或是真理),然后这里有个很好的机会跟他们玩玩游戏。你还在拒绝继续前进到下一个格子吗?你就像龙卷风里的一片叶子一样。看看你的心智是如何对一些话语产生习性反应的,细细地观察你的心智。JED又说了一推废话,他都快神经错乱了,也许就像水里的有毒物质那样,他喝了那些有毒的水吗?吃太多寿司一样对身体有害, 这是日本有位公主说过的话。




Yes, when you know you're full of shit, there is little to defend. Life gets easier, But, like Echo said, it's a challenge to grasp that you don't exist. You do, in Truth, exist, it's just that what you think you are doesn't exist. That's where all the identities and beliefs you made up come to roost. What's the biggest most important belief you hold about yourself? Maybe something like 'I'm a good person' or 'I'm a thoughtful person'. These are both beliefs and identities. You are none of these, but, you are all the good that ever existed in the universe and you are all the evil that ever existed as well. That's a little hard to get your head around, but just try accepting it and moving on because there is another levell waiting for you. When someone yells out their car window.... 'Asshole' for cutting him off, he is just recognizing you for what you are playing out in that moment. Enjoy the attention, that's all it is. He isn't seeing you, he is seeing a pawn in the game, but you can enjoy it. When someone says 'Thank you' for giving them a break, just accept it and enjoy. The only thing is NEVER think that they know what they are talking about or that you are any of these things (never think I know what I am talking about either). This is just stuff that comes along within this particular game. Enjoy it if you will and then release. Therein is the value, they are opportunities to practice letting go. Give it a try. Don't worry about who does the letting go, just do it and see what comes up. Start small if you like. I expect a full report on my desk in the morning, or within at least 6 months. Love ya, Jed.

当有人从车里探出脑袋来向你大呼小叫,为了打断他你会大呼“蠢货”,他只是在识破你在那刻玩的把戏。享受一下这种吸引别人注意力的方式,那就是需要做的了。他并不是看到了你,他只是看到了游戏里的一个小卒,但你也同样可以享受它。当有人对你说“谢谢你给他们一个改过自新的机会”, 你只要接受这份谢意然后好好享受它。唯一要记住的是,绝不要认为他们真的知道自己在说些什么,或是你又掉入自己的身份认同当中,(千万也别认为我懂自己在说些什么。)这些只是一个特定的游戏中出现的一些小插曲。假如你愿意的话,就好好享受它,然后释放它。


Can you accept yourself with all your flaws, impulses and compulsions. Complete acceptance, no fight. A good dose of forgiveness is also prescribed. It doesn't matter if anyone/thing, etc. needs it or is guilty. Just start forgiving everyone in your life. Start as young as you can remember. Of course, you end up with the biggie, forgiving yourself. Please do it, but dont FEEL COMPULSION to do it. I don't want you to feel you have do DO IT ALL THE TIME. I definitely don't want you do DECIDE RIGHT NOW TO START FORGIVING, and I don't want you the THINK IT IS SOMETHING YOU REALLY WANT TO DO NOW. Love ya, Jed. P.S. Please don't START NOW or FEEL I have just installed an alternative but more useful COMPULSION.

吟诗啃骨头 2013-05-10 18:19:12


宁馨儿 2013-05-09 14:19:59


吟诗啃骨头 2013-04-29 13:49:59


风之城 2013-04-29 13:46:16



书名: 灵性开悟不是你想的那样
作者: [美] 杰德·麦肯纳
出版社: 华夏出版社
副标题: 不是你想的那样
译者: 鲁宓
出版年: 2013-1
页数: 252
定价: 39.90元
丛书: 灵性开悟三部曲
ISBN: 9787508074405