A man who believes that his enigmatic double holds the key to a world that quickly becomes a personal nightmare...an intergalactic library where finding the answers to the greatest questions of tim...
A man who believes that his enigmatic double holds the key to a world that quickly becomes a personal nightmare...an intergalactic library where finding the answers to the greatest questions of time and space may cause the destruction of the galaxy...a clone that may or may not be the intellectual property of the most powerful megalomaniac on the planet... Authors John and Lawrence Buentello present a fantastic collection of stories that explores the realms of two incredible imaginations. From a world where the undead not only roam the streets but march in political protests...to a bizarre future where maintaining the right to bear arms depends on the latest technological twist...here are 15 remarkable visions guaranteed to fascinate and delight you-- Welcome to the unique universe of... "BINARY TALES"
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