Emotional Intelligence 2.0
Emotional Intelligence 2.0 is a book with a single purpose—increasing your EQ. Here’s what people are ...
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0 youngloui 2016-01-20
people have been talking about EQ for a long time,but I guess no one ever give a thought to what EQ truly is and how that's gonna affect our daily life.This book gives you a brief guidance & a great deal of concrete suggestions which can be practiced right away. Hope you enjoy this book as much as I do.
0 qitah660 2011-05-23
极差的书。充满了陈词滥调,没有真正了解情商的真正。 很失望。
0 罐鱼Adrian 2013-05-01
0 来自未来的我 2014-12-05
Pretty instructive, somewhat impractical, highly individual dependent.
0 swimming 2012-07-07
书讲了怎么提高情商 感觉很多东西非常在理 书最后说为什么中国发展那么迅猛 归结为中国人的情商在各个方面超过美国 呵呵 有意思
0 eulanda 2015-02-09
now I know why I was dumped
1 pjmmpj 2015-12-30
“ Emotional Intelligence 2.0 succinctly explains how to deal with emotions creatively and employ our intelligence in a beneficial way.” —THE DALAI LAMA
0 酱油瓶 2016-06-12
比较初级 特别适合我这种情商掉地上的人==
0 luna 2017-01-10
It is a really inspiring book about emotional intelligence I have ever read. The author is laconic and perspicacious. In a nutshell, this is a book deserved reading for several times.For me,the best way to grasp its essential ideas is to practice the strategies mentioned in it. Huh
0 良无是可 2015-04-02
1 pjmmpj 2015-12-30
“ Emotional Intelligence 2.0 succinctly explains how to deal with emotions creatively and employ our intelligence in a beneficial way.” —THE DALAI LAMA
1 PT同学 2012-01-26
读完之后对别人说“乃们连EQ是什么都不知道!”是不是显得读了像没有读一样 - -
0 youngloui 2016-01-20
people have been talking about EQ for a long time,but I guess no one ever give a thought to what EQ truly is and how that's gonna affect our daily life.This book gives you a brief guidance & a great deal of concrete suggestions which can be practiced right away. Hope you enjoy this book as much as I do.
0 qitah660 2011-05-23
极差的书。充满了陈词滥调,没有真正了解情商的真正。 很失望。
0 罐鱼Adrian 2013-05-01
0 来自未来的我 2014-12-05
Pretty instructive, somewhat impractical, highly individual dependent.
0 swimming 2012-07-07
书讲了怎么提高情商 感觉很多东西非常在理 书最后说为什么中国发展那么迅猛 归结为中国人的情商在各个方面超过美国 呵呵 有意思
0 eulanda 2015-02-09
now I know why I was dumped
0 酱油瓶 2016-06-12
比较初级 特别适合我这种情商掉地上的人==
0 luna 2017-01-10
It is a really inspiring book about emotional intelligence I have ever read. The author is laconic and perspicacious. In a nutshell, this is a book deserved reading for several times.For me,the best way to grasp its essential ideas is to practice the strategies mentioned in it. Huh
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1有用 MK 2017-03-09
据说在群体组织中,个人智商相近的条件下,情商高的个体有百分之七十的机会更容易成功。这一个规律大概我们都会悄悄认同。其实这样的说法有一个隐藏的前提,也就是个人的情商是可以通过调研进行数据化的统计、评估和... 查看全部>>
I found the book to be a real eye-opener for me.
5有用 Polina 2014-02-27
Iwasreadytopurchasetheauthorspreviousbookonthetopicofemotionalintelligence(EQ),butareviewersuggested... 查看全部>>
I found the book to be a real eye-opener for me.
5有用 Polina 2014-02-27
Iwasreadytopurchasetheauthorspreviousbookonthetopicofemotionalintelligence(EQ),butareviewersuggested... 查看全部>>
1有用 MK 2017-03-09
据说在群体组织中,个人智商相近的条件下,情商高的个体有百分之七十的机会更容易成功。这一个规律大概我们都会悄悄认同。其实这样的说法有一个隐藏的前提,也就是个人的情商是可以通过调研进行数据化的统计、评估和... 查看全部>>
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