0 梓柠 2016-10-01
0 honglonglong 2017-03-07
1 53英里 2017-02-16
1 落。 2016-05-04
Now I understand why this book is controversial, even among my peers who are supposed to be more objective than average: besides exposing obvious wrong-doings like power harassment and ageism, and the weird trends of frat house and cult-like culture, it criticizes almost every role in the start-up business. Nobody is innocent. I guess that's true.
0 一个漫游癖 2016-07-25
59% read and I can't stand with it any longer. Bitching and bitching, endless bitching. Full of bias, ignorance and anger. Too many meaningless personal details and very limited insights on tech startups. 4.5 stars on Amazon? Come on, show me the demographic data please...
0 逆铭睡眼惺忪地 2016-05-21
回头看鄙司还是工程师主导的nerdy文化 感觉太幸运了。。
0 _hzw 2016-06-01
Hilarious! This book made me feel old.
1 子珂 2016-05-08
amazon上评价超高,看了一点点,没觉得entertaining,只觉得是“受害者自述”。当然Hubspot有自己的问题,但是作者自己也在戴有色眼镜(对Amazon Cloud的批评,对Facebook, Uber搜集数据的批评)
2 詹特陳 2016-06-22