Wrinkles, Warts, & Worries
After muddling through the adversities and complexities that accompany one into oneas aseniora years, hopefully this humorous look back will offer a laugh or two at the aare thereas, a or about the...
After muddling through the adversities and complexities that accompany one into oneas aseniora years, hopefully this humorous look back will offer a laugh or two at the aare thereas, a or about the ahave been thereas.a Then perhaps someone will see themselves in the lines of the poetry that follows, poking fun at lifeas situations. Next comes a trip down nostalgia lane. And last but not least is poetry of a religious nature. My heart and soul is in the writing of this book, and my heartas desire is that others will be touched in some way by my humble offerings. I like to stir things up a bit, hence the mixture. Hopefully there is something for everyone. Enjoy
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