Harry Kramer leads an espionage network created by Soviet Military Intelligence in 1938 that penetrates Western Europe in the pre-war years and is active until the apprehension of the bulk of its m...
Harry Kramer leads an espionage network created by Soviet Military Intelligence in 1938 that penetrates Western Europe in the pre-war years and is active until the apprehension of the bulk of its members in 1943. In the course of his adventures, Harry makes contact with a German resistance group operating out of Berlin, is captured by the SS, escapes, and eludes pursuit. He returns to Soviet Russia in 1945 where he is imprisoned for almost ten years on suspicion of cooperating with the enemy. After Stalinas death he is pardoned and returns to his native Poland where he attempts to resurrect Jewish cultural life between 1955-1968. But the Polish authorities turn against him and the Jewish community in the mid-1960s as anti-Semitism becomes government policy to explain away economic shortfalls. He is exiled from Poland in 1972 and finds final refuge in Israel.
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