Quacker's Bedtime Stories
Quackeras Bedtime Stories is a lighthearted look at the antics of ducks, squirrels, and other animals that live in and around a lake. All are able to talk with one another and enjoy close companion...
Quackeras Bedtime Stories is a lighthearted look at the antics of ducks, squirrels, and other animals that live in and around a lake. All are able to talk with one another and enjoy close companionship and fun. The stories were inspired by a duck that he met at the lake and on becoming friends, Williamgoldenpen started to write about the old duck. Quacker showed he was a character apart from the others. The stories are written for the young but have been well-received by the not so young. Happiness and laughter are an essential part of our childrenas growth and Quackeras Bedtime Stories is written to help and encourage that growth. In many of the stories there is a moral thatait is hopedawill encourage our children to become considerate, helpful citizens of the future. For our children are our future. From Williamgoldenpen and Quacker, enjoy.
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