This is the story of a young man, Douglas Ward Bey III, known to all as Dooby, who undertakes a quest to find a part of himself. The journey takes him deep into the south in search of a mother he b...
This is the story of a young man, Douglas Ward Bey III, known to all as Dooby, who undertakes a quest to find a part of himself. The journey takes him deep into the south in search of a mother he barely remembers. Adopted at the age of two he has only haunting memories and dreams of his life before he was adopted by a prominent African American attorney and his wife. Now an attorney himself, he sets out on a two-month quest to find the mother who gave him up so he could have a better life. He simply wants to show her the man he has become. However, he gets diverted from his quest by the wonderful people he meets along the way. His adopted family taught him that he should always leave those he meets better off then he found them. That he does in his quest to find his birth mother. Finally at the end of his quest he finds the truth about the sacrifice made by two very special people to give him a good life.