In a city of ancient legends, a man stands guard at his watch only to be knocked unconscious as he and the city around him are plunged into darkness. This is a tale of a mighty empire banished into...
In a city of ancient legends, a man stands guard at his watch only to be knocked unconscious as he and the city around him are plunged into darkness. This is a tale of a mighty empire banished into a different plane of existence. The Trinity of Chaos has risen from the ashes to rain their evil down onto the world again. Out of the darkness rises a light; seeds of courage have blossomed in the souls of few. An assassin and a young, white-robed mage begin their journey to find the source of this darkness. A Japanese emperor escapes from his shadowy prison and roams the forests attempting to stop the unspeakable evil that has washed across the land. Battalions of undead burn down villages. Powerful entities descend to the world to maintain the balance. The lord of shadows has different plans, however, and it will take every last ounce of faith from the band of heroes to push back the darkness. This is only the beginning. The tale starts here.
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