The story unfolds in the Joshua forest outside Wickenburg Arizona. The Messiah appears on a cross in the forest. Battle of heroic portion will take place to save humanity. Many people will die and ...
The story unfolds in the Joshua forest outside Wickenburg Arizona. The Messiah appears on a cross in the forest. Battle of heroic portion will take place to save humanity. Many people will die and some have crucified for their sins. Know one will be excluded from judgment day. The Messiah and his followers will travel into Phoenix to spread his love and affection to all. The Messiah will heal the weak, and crippled will walk again. The Messiah will Baptist his followers in the water that came from dirt. The faith and strength of one man will determine weather or not man will perish from the Universe. Dianna and the angles will guide Troy in his mission. The final battle would take place on the mountain in the Joshua forest. It would be the final day for man or not. God would have final say on that.
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