Fantasies From My Windowseat
Gwen Echard (Leigh Stephenson) is the wife of Richard Echard, a retired Navy man, and is a retired special education teacher. She received her education from Avila College and Kansas University. Gw...
Gwen Echard (Leigh Stephenson) is the wife of Richard Echard, a retired Navy man, and is a retired special education teacher. She received her education from Avila College and Kansas University. Gwen received several teaching awards before retiring and moving to live on Grand Lake in Oklahoma. She is the mother of five children, seven grandchildren, and one great-grandchild. Gwen has had poetry and some articles published. She also has had some of her curriculum published. She has written for many years as a form of therapy and expression for her own enjoyment, and will continue to write as long as she is able.
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