A abeacheda lawyer from the Florida Panhandle is enlisted to solve the gruesome murder of a prominent Orlando judge. What Wes Jackson finds is an intricate web of jealousy and corruption within the...
A abeacheda lawyer from the Florida Panhandle is enlisted to solve the gruesome murder of a prominent Orlando judge. What Wes Jackson finds is an intricate web of jealousy and corruption within the ahallowed halls of justice.a What he soon reveals are the fingerprints of a more sinister international foe trying to tear away the very fabric of our democracy. Wes discovers the Krysha is using a dormant professional sports league in silent cover. He encounters the Organizista, or Russian mafia, whose tentacles intertwine like Southern kudzu into every aspect of government, justice and commerce. Taken for dead with the demise of the Soviet Union, Krysha thrives on Americaas shores as a formidable conglomerate influencing the most exclusive circles. Is it too late to halt the insidious march of illegal immigrants into the Untied Statesaand the Krysha? Wes Jackson faces the case of a lifetime, and a race to save his own