This is the story of adventure and survival in the distant future. The earth has been devastated by a meteor strike, causing the great oceans to flood, followed by disease and starvation that sprea...
This is the story of adventure and survival in the distant future. The earth has been devastated by a meteor strike, causing the great oceans to flood, followed by disease and starvation that spread throughout the land. The story revolves around two young men who are descendants from a group of people who have survived over the decades. These young men and their people have lived in a remote mountain valley where bunkers called aSafe Havensa had been constructed by the United States government. Toba and Zermac have left the security of their valley in search for others of their kind who might have survived the holocaust. On their quest they run into many strange creatures that have changed through evolution or from the chemicals and radiation that have been unleashed upon the land. Their quest will lead them to make contact with others of the human race and discover a new and deadly breed of subhuman.
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