Self-doubt and acceptance can be difficult things for a young woman to overcome. A fifteen-year-old teen, abandoned by her father, accepts a job consisting of caring for two energetic but troubleso...
Self-doubt and acceptance can be difficult things for a young woman to overcome. A fifteen-year-old teen, abandoned by her father, accepts a job consisting of caring for two energetic but troublesome boys suffering from the loss of their mother. During a picnic lunch in the woods, the nanny attempts to distract the kids from their antics through the use of storytelling. An imaginative tale of adventure is woven, which transports them to an illiterate down-trodden town where the children are forced to participate in challenges styled after a reality series television show with only the aid of the elderly town librarian who holds the secrets to the townas mysteries. The citizensa freedom, a treasure, and the childrenas way home are at stake. Will they be able to beat the teenage thugs and overcome personal obstacles in order to foil Mayor Missy Stubbsa devious plan?
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