A young American geologist, Tom Morrow, takes a position in England where he hopes to get a new start in life. On the way there he meets a strange little man, Rodney Priester, who opens his eyes to...
A young American geologist, Tom Morrow, takes a position in England where he hopes to get a new start in life. On the way there he meets a strange little man, Rodney Priester, who opens his eyes to a mysterious past life he could never have imagined. He also encounters Diane Cox who runs a bookshop in the small town of Lymington. Tom and Diane are attracted to each other but must discover the mystery of the betrayal and deaths of an eleventh century couple and what impact it may have on their own lives before allowing their love to grow. As the story of the eleventh century couple develops, so does a clear danger and tie to the modern lovers. Justice for old crimes has to be resolved and old debts settled.
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