The Transient Milky Way
Flavio D'Amico
Joc#o Braga
Richard E·Rothschild
副标题: APerspectiveforMIRAXSaoJosedosCampos.Brazil.7-9December2005.--(AIPConferenceProceedings/AstronomyandAstrophysics;
出版年: 2006-6
页数: 152
定价: $ 118.65
ISBN: 9780735403321
副标题: APerspectiveforMIRAXSaoJosedosCampos.Brazil.7-9December2005.--(AIPConferenceProceedings/AstronomyandAstrophysics;
出版年: 2006-6
页数: 152
定价: $ 118.65
ISBN: 9780735403321
The contributions to this conference discuss both scientific and technical aspects of the MIRAX (Monitor e Imageador de RAios-X) x-ray astronomy project, an international satellite mission to be launched in 2011. The main topic was the importance of observing x-ray transient sources and explosive phenomena in the central Galactic plane with a wide-field imaging instrument over long and continuous periods of time.
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