A man of insatiable dreams of work, of life, of love. With all the hopes and dreams for life. Only to have them shattered by events and special circumstances in his life. A struggle to rebuild them...
A man of insatiable dreams of work, of life, of love. With all the hopes and dreams for life. Only to have them shattered by events and special circumstances in his life. A struggle to rebuild them again. In his early life he struggles with his own identity and the law. The many encounters of relationships with authorities and friends. To be further complicated with the Army, death, and broken relationships. His many accomplishments in life are shadowed with his alcoholism. The many mistakes and poor judgment decisions made during his increase of dependence on alcohol. Finally losing everything which was important to him. He overcomes his alcoholism with the help of his Higher Power and the many friends in his recovery. Finding that change and risk taking are essential to growth and serenity in one's life.
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