"Mango Fever" is a captivating story that is suitable for children ages 9-12, who are interested in adventure stories. In this novel, we read about an eleven-year-old girl's attempt to ...
"Mango Fever" is a captivating story that is suitable for children ages 9-12, who are interested in adventure stories. In this novel, we read about an eleven-year-old girl's attempt to rescue her friend from a tight spot. In the course of rendering assistance, Boti and four of her best friends get lost in the heart of a Cameroonian rainforest. They must not only face the usual perils that loom around a tropical forest as they struggle to hold on to their sacks of mangoes, but must accept the fact that their greatest danger comes from an unlikely source-the poachers The novel is filled with suspense as readers wonder what the girls would do next in their attempt to stay alive. Would they betray one another or confront their plight as a team? Would they succeed in groping their way out of the dark rainforest before it is too late?
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