In the post-World War III era, all forms of religion have been abolished. A recent aberration in the government's strict rule allowed Alden Keenan to bring Christianity back to viability within...
In the post-World War III era, all forms of religion have been abolished. A recent aberration in the government's strict rule allowed Alden Keenan to bring Christianity back to viability within society. But when the movement is discovered, Alden and all members of the group disappear. What was the fate of the movement's leader Alden Keenan? What did the members of the group do so wrong that they were removed from society without a trace of their existence left? For the people of Quadrant 40, the government only provided mysterious letters that dissolved marriages and families without explanations. The unanswered questions left a thirst for truth and spawned a new underground movement. This movement has far less direction than the first movement. What they lack in knowledge will be compensated in their resources. This new group of rebels arrives at an answer to their questions, only to discover an even greater evil than they could have imagined.
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