Channeling God
by Susan Bertalotto
April 2008
Channeling - the practice of professedly entering a meditative or trancelike state in order to convey messages from a spiritual guide. (
There are many examples today of channeling. A Course in Miracles was “scribed” by Dr. Helen Schucman through a process of inner dictation she identified as coming from Jesus. Over a period of seven years, Dr. Schucman transcribed these thoughts into the curriculum which is now being promoted by Marianne Williamson and Oprah Winfrey, among others. Included in the course are these teachings:
# “There is no sin. . . “9
# A “slain Christ has no meaning.”10
# “The journey to the cross should be the last ‘useless journey.’”11
# “Do not make the pathetic error of ‘clinging to the old rugged cross.’”12
# “The Name of Jesus Christ as such is but a symbol. . . . It is a symbol that is safely used as a replacement for the many names of all the gods to which you pray.”13
# “God is in everything I see.”14
# “The recognition of God is the recognition of yourself.”15
# “The oneness of the Creator and the creation is your wholeness, your sanity and your limitless power.”16
# “The Atonement is the final lesson he [man] need learn, for it teaches him that, never having sinned, he has no need of salvation.”17
(from an article by Warren Smith, posted on Herescope)
By comparing scripture with the claims of A Course In Miracles, one can see immediately that this curriculum must be avoided if one is truly a born-again Bible-believing Christian. This teaching is a “doctrine of demons”, a doctrine that came directly from a demon who Dr. Schucman called “Jesus”.
Another example is “The Secret, The Law of Attraction”. The Secret was originally written by “Abraham”, a group of spirit guides/entities/demons who is channeled through Esther Hicks. To harness the power of “the secret”, one must think positively, which changes one’s environment and events positively. A person becomes a magnet for “good things”. So what’s wrong with thinking positively? Nothing, as long as one is “bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ” (II Corinthians 10:5). What does Jesus Christ have to do with The Secret? Absolutely nothing. Anyone can use the method and be successful, all without Jesus Christ. The Secret also teaches that a person can become One with the universe. If anyone can become a “good”, spiritual person by circumventing the doctrines and teachings of Jesus Christ, then The Secret teachings are unbiblical and heretical. Just the fact that this spirituall process came from demons should keep any Christian away from the material.
Another example is Bob Jones, a prophet from the Elijah List. He has prophecied many times, but his “words from God” do not match scripture. Last year, he prophecied about “green stones with fire” and compared these falling green stones, that fell from the ceiling at a church meeting, to the Holy Spirit. Read the prophecy here. His prophecy is a convoluted, entangled mash of Latter Rain theology, New Age thought, and just plain make-it-up-as-I-go philosophy. His words are supposedly from God. Which god? Where did he get this heretical information? He is getting these “words” from some entity that is NOT the true God of the Bible. Try reading his prophecy and comparing it to scripture — it doesn’t stand a chance.
Just recently, Kim Clement of the Elijah List gave a prophecy regarding Barack Obama. Included in the prophecy is this quote from “God”:
For God said, “Even though you may think this or that, there is an element of righteousness inside of him [Obama] to reach out for Jesus…
That is unscriptural. Our righteousness is but “filthy rags” (Isaiah 64:6). We are made righteous through Jesus Christ — there is no other Way. Kim Clement’s “god” contradicts the Word of God. Again, comparing the teachings/writings to scripture shows that they fall flat.
In all the examples in this article, one just needs to open a Bible and see that these teachings are heretical and lead one away from God and Jesus Christ. The authors in each of these cases are “channeling” a god, an entity that teaches contrary to scripture — demons that lead people down the broad road to destruction.
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Channeling Godby Susan BertalottoApril 2008Channeling - the practice of professedly entering a meditative or trancelike state in order to convey messa...
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