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苹果的梵文 2011-04-08 13:56:27

Hi Mike, no, he got explicit permission from Dennis to publish them for free.

Main reason for that was because Curtis got fed up with Michael Covel - who wasn't a Turtle, had zero connection with them, and isn't even a trader - having for years made a living selling some freely invented crap as the Turtle rules.

苹果的梵文 2011-04-08 13:55:17

The reason why Curtis Faith, original Turtle, gave them away for free after receiving Richard Dennis permission to do so ?

As he said:

To fight the scams, frauds and charlatans:

"One of the sad realities of the trading industry and futures trading in particular is that there are far more people making money selling systems and “ways to make money trading” than there are people actually making money by trading.

There are many “famous traders” who don’t make money as traders. They make money selling new trading systems, seminars, home study courses, etc. Many, if not all, of these so called “experts” can’t trade and don’t trade the systems that they sell.

Yes, this is also true of those selling the Turtle Trading Rules.

Since we offer the rules here for free we don’t see why anyone would pay for these rules anymore but that doesn’t stop people from trying to sell them."


书名: 海龟交易特训班
作者: 迈克尔·柯弗
出版社: 中国人民大学出版社
副标题: 公开股市交易超高获利内幕 看普通人如何成为百万富翁
译者: 赵娅
出版年: 2009.7
页数: 220
定价: 39.80元
装帧: 平装
ISBN: 9787300109879