Basically, How to write a lot is for scholarly audience, namely, teachers, professors, researchers, undergraduates or graduates students for whom writing is his Achilles’ heel. In other words, it helps you with the academic writing, other than fiction, drama or poem writing. And that is why the writer argues that inspiration is overrated in academic writing.
When it comes to writing, miscellaneous excuses pop up, which we justify as legitimate barriers, be it in want of time, researches, reading or not in possession of a new computer (nice desk, chair etc), or Muse forgetting me. However, the writer points out these are specious barriers, which means those are not the reason you don’t write. For example, if you think you don’t have the time to write, the writer critically proclaims that we do not find the time to write, but allot the time to write. So the writer rips the comfortable blanket which we use as shield against writing.
For me, the most important thing this book contributes is to indoctrinate readers with the notion that like other skills, writing is a skill, which must be developed through systematic instruction and practice. So, if you want to write a lot, you schedule time to write, and stick to your plan. In other words, enabling you to become a prolific writer, you need to sit down and type or write.
Although this is a tiny book, if not many, I do learn one thing from it. Sit down and write. I don’t feel like writing either, but I just need to type. And I end up with this review.
how to write a lot
《How to Write a Lot》热门书评
111有用 1无用 May 2011-03-19
APA出版的这本《how to write a lot -- a practical guide to productive academic writing》是我读过对我帮助最大的学术写作指导书。一来是因为它本来就是针对APA journal的,二来也是在合适的时间有准备的情况下读到。──以前也读...
29有用 0无用 自如(菜青虫) 2012-01-26
Less wanting, More done
19有用 0无用 Hammer_ 2012-02-13
一How To Write A Lot是一本如何更有效率地进行学术写作的指导书,语言风趣幽默,一路读下去,你会不自觉地嘴角上翘。这本教人如何更好写作的书,本身就是写作的典范,简洁,明快,态度明确,语言生动幽默。不过这书不是教人如何写一篇好的文章,有这方面的需求的人可以去看作者推荐的两本书,The e...
10有用 0无用 —ECHO— 2014-08-11
本书有关学术论文写作,推荐只写论文的同学们看前三章和最后一章,要发表期刊论文和写书的老师和同学们可看完全书(也许比较适合欧美的学术范围)。读的过程中发现作者挺有趣,文中蛮多笑点,写过论文的人都可以get到。我总结下来书中关于学术写作主要论及三点,并在我读过的其他关于写作的书或文章中都有涉及:1. 固...
9有用 0无用 Trisha 2011-07-27
轻松有趣的一本小书,对于我这种有一堆的data backlog而总是觉得找不到时间写的人来说很motivating。相信对我们领域的博士生也会很有用。我很赞同作者的观点,说academic writing不是小说或诗歌,能够movitate我们write a lot的不是inspiration或gi...
书名: How to Write a Lot
作者: Paul J·Silva
出版社: American Psychological Association
副标题: A Practical Guide to Productive Academic Writing
出版年: 2007-1-15
页数: 168
定价: USD 14.95
装帧: Paperback
ISBN: 9781591477433