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WHY&Phi 2013-11-07 11:23:26

leica m他应该买不起吧

Leonardo 2012-12-05 20:49:44


廖伟棠 2012-12-05 20:33:08

據說他是把蔡司頭轉接到leica m機上用的,或者都是螺口。

Leonardo 2012-12-05 09:59:13

分别搜索关键词“Josef Koudelka+24”和“Josef Koudelka+25”浏览英文网页,发现可能性比较大的是 Carl Zeiss Jena Flektogon 25mm 镜头,以及爱克山泰单反。寇德卡不大出来曝光,所以诸多信息有争议。以下内容作为参考:
“Josef owes much to Anna Farova for her initial interest and assistance, and to Henri Cartier-Bresson who he met by "coincidence"; both these persons were extremely important in acknowledging his work. Earlier, the Czechoslovakian critic and photographer Jiri Jenicek had made a great contribution to Josef's development as a photograph·, for it was he that helped chose the pictures for his first exhibition, where he met Anna Farova for the first time. Jenicek ordered a 3.5-cm Zeiss Flectogen lens from East Germany, and received a 25-mm instead. After the death of Jenicek he bought the lens from his widow. Josef subsequently used this lens for much of his work.”

Travis_Qu 2011-08-11 02:14:56

如果没有记错的话,寇德卡打响风格的相机并非一台leica,而是contax单反,镜头亦非24mm,而是C/Y口的 Carl Zeiss Distagon T* 25mm F2.8

阿斗 2009-01-10 11:45:35


书名: Chaos
作者: Josef Koudelka
出版社: Phaidon Press
出版年: 1999-10-19
页数: 109
定价: USD 75.00
装帧: Hardcover
ISBN: 9780714839004